Winter in Yellowstone possesses an enchanting charm, it is nothing short of magical! The vast, snow-covered terrain compels the park’s wildlife inhabitants to tread the roads in search of sustenance. Whether it’s Yellowstone Bison seeking buried dry grass in snow-blanketed fields to survive the harsh winter or the winter alpha predator on the hunt for its next meal, the year-round residents draw nearer to seasonal visitors, forging unforgettable experiences and interactions that may never fade from memory.
One such remarkable experience took place on a frigid, well-below-zero February morning. We left our hotel in West Yellowstone at 7 AM and entered Yellowstone National Park through the West Entrance, an hour ahead of the standard snowcoach tours and two hours ahead of the snowmobile tours. The park’s internal roads are groomed every night, and the distinct markings left by the grooming machines make it evident that you are the first to enter the park on any given morning. As we traveled along the West Entrance Road, these telltale signs assured us that no one was ahead of us.

Our ride for the day
The Madison River gracefully meanders along the northern side of the entrance road, and it’s a rare occurrence, if it ever happens, for it to freeze over. This remarkable phenomenon is owed to the infusion of hot waters from the park’s abundant geothermal features, seamlessly merging with the river’s natural flow. Our journey led us to the Seven Mile Bridge, where the Madison gracefully flows beneath the roadway, veering southward. It was at this point, as we crossed the bridge, that we were greeted by the gentle embrace of the golden sunrise, casting its warm light upon the unfolding scene before our eyes.

After pausing to capture the mesmerizing sunrise over the Madison River, we proceeded along the Entrance Road. There, we were greeted by a remarkable sight: two separate herds of bison, a grand total of 400 to 500 of these magnificent creatures, situated about a quarter mile away on the far banks of the river. As we drew nearer, the river curved southward, creating a vast, snow-covered field that stretched several hundred yards between us and the Yellowstone Bison.
Suddenly, both groups of bison sprang into action simultaneously, embarking on an eastward charge. Initially, they ran parallel to the river and our road, before audaciously fording the Madison River, making their way into the field on our right. Their relentless momentum carried them onto the snow-covered road, just yards ahead of our vehicle. Safe inside our snowcoach, we carefully navigated through the herd, aiming to get ahead for a better view.

Eventually, we stopped and disembarked with cameras ready, fully aware that our window of opportunity was limited before the bison would draw near, necessitating our retreat into the snowcoach. As they closed in, we began capturing the remarkable spectacle, with cameras clicking away in rapid succession. We repeated this exhilarating drive-stop-click sequence several times, eventually deciding to travel non-stop with the bison as they continued their determined run.
For over six miles, we maintained our course alongside these magnificent creatures, bearing witness to their extraordinary journey. Eventually, the bison veered left at Madison Junction, while we turned right, ending our shared adventure. While the precise cause of their sudden sprint remained a mystery, we couldn’t help but notice one bison among them, its hindquarters bearing the telltale signs of a bloody wound. We speculated that a wolf attack might have triggered the breathtaking stampede. The image shown here is just one of the many awe-inspiring moments etched into our memory during our heart-pounding journey through the thundering herd of Yellowstone Bison.