Walden Colorado 2022
Hosted by Jonathan Steele Photography
August 8-11th, 2022
Capture Images of Colorado Wildlife
Geared towards photographing moose though other wildlife such as
Deer, Elk, Bear, Pelicans and more are known to be in the area.
Based out of Walden Colorado

Dates: August 8-11th 2022
Fee: $1995.00 per person, $500.00 deposit at time of booking. Balance due by July 1st 2022.
Participants: Max. of 3
Cutoff Date: July 1st, 2022
Skill Level: Amateur – Professional
Info: JonathanSteelePhotography@gmail.com
Phone: 860-984-3810
The Colorado Moose Tour is designed to get you to locations that are known areas that moose pass through on their annual migration to lower elevations. Day to day locations of sightings will change. Because it is in the wilderness there is no guarantee that we will find them at each and every location. With this in mind, research as to current moose sightings will be done in the days and weeks leading up to the tour.

Because of the wandering nature of moose the tour will entail traveling to different locations through out each day. We will check on known locations and move on to the next location if nothing is found. In driving from one location to another all participants will be asked to help visually scan off the sides of main roads for moose that may be in the area. The image shown above came about as the result of one of those scans on the main road between Walden and the Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forest.
Moose tend to be more active in the cool early mornings and evenings. This is the time that they are in search of food and water. They prefer cooler climates and thrive in areas with bodies of water such as lakes, bogs, swamps, streams and ponds. Average temperatures at the elevations we will be at range from a low in the mid 30’s to a high in the mid 60’s. It is very possible we may see frost in the mornings. Come prepared for all types of weather because we will shoot in it!

To avoid weekend crowds in the areas we will be visiting, this tour has been scheduled during the week.
Day 1: Attendee arrival day, plan to meet with the tour group at 5 PM in Walden, the moose viewing capitol of Colorado, for a meet and greet.
Days 2-3: Up before sunrise, the group will rendezvous and then proceed to a variety of locations in search of moose. We’ll be on the “hunt” through late morning at which point we’ll take a mid-day break. We will reconvene mid-afternoon and continue with our moose adventures. On one of these days we will venture to a local reservoir where White Pelican are known gather.
Day 4: Up before sunrise, the group will rendezvous and then proceed to again to a variety of locations in search of moose . We’ll shoot through mid morning leaving time for you to return to your hotel and check out. The tour will end at this point

Lodging, meals and transportation to the lodging location are not provided. We will be based out of Walden and highly recommend making reservations as soon as you sign up for the workshop.
When arranging for your transportation you will not need an SUV or 4 wheel drive vehicle. Transportation to photography locations will be provided.
The preferred airport destination is Denver. Walden is a 3-4 hour drive from Denver. It is advised to arrive in Denver the day beforehand or no later than mid-morning the day of the meet and greet. If interested we will share your name and contact information with other participants should you want to coordinate your flights and share car rental fees.

Physical Difficulty
Attendees should be in good health and capable of working outdoors in bad weather and at high altitude. We will be traveling by SUV with short hikes of up to 1/2 mile each way. It is important to know that we will be working in elevations between 7000 and 10,000 feet. Therefore, we recommend that you consult with your doctor beforehand to make sure you do not have high altitude sickness or problems. Because of the higher elevations we will provide water during the workshop. Drinking plenty of water will help to prevent dehydration, headaches and other symptoms known to occur in some at high elevations.
You will be asked to sign a waiver to participate

What to Bring
- Digital SLR Camera
- Mid-range to telephoto lenses. I usually cover from 70mm-500mm with my lenses but 70-300mm will work also. If you have a longer lens bring it along for the White Pelican portion of the tour.
- Memory cards
- Headlamp
- Extra camera batteries, make sure your headlamp has fresh batteries also. Laptop (not required but useful for image editing and storage)
- Camera manual
- Sturdy walking shoes or hiking boots
- Rain gear
- Warm Jacket, hat and gloves, temps can go into the 30’s at night with a possibility of frost in the morning!

Booking Colorado Moose Tour
You can sign up for the Colorado Moose Tour securely using your credit card via the PayPal link on this page or by calling Jonathan Steele Photography at 860-984-3810.
There is a $400.00 signup fee due at time of signup and the remaining balance is due in full by July 1st 2022.
This tour will go rain, shine or snow, as this time of year can be very dynamic with rapidly changing weather systems. No two years are quite the same.
We must have 2 signups by the cutoff date of July 1st or the tour may be cancelled and refunds issued to those who signed up.
No refunds will be issued after the cutoff date of July 1st 2022 unless it is a result of Jonathan Steele Photography cancelling the Colorado Moose Tour.
Other Wildlife Sightings Possible