Sometimes when you are out in the field you have to make due with conditions that you are given. Other times, you can use something in your current environment to help. Here on the Jonathan Steele Photography Blog we’ve got a “Case in Point”
With the image shown above I really liked the overlap of the leaves on the ground and the dew drops on them. The problem I was having were the leaves in the trees blowing. Yes, I was photographing on the ground but the leaves above me were the problem. Ya see, those leaves were blocking the direct sunlight from hitting my composition, which is what I wanted. If the breeze picked up, those leaves moved and the sunlight was now on my composition!
I couldn’t move the composition! I couldn’t move a tree or a large rock to block the sunlight! But, I could block the light with my backpack! Problem solved! The shot below shows the set up.

When out in the field you need to consider, Using what’s around you!
See you next time around on the Jonathan Steele Photography Blog. Until then, May the good light be with you!